As I mentioned a while back, because my girl will only ever have just my side of a family, it was important to me to give her a name that will connect her to both of my sides. I guess it doesn't much make sense logically, but well..

So her name :-)

I'm actually starting with her second name. A (I added the names as a picture, so they won't be searchable) was my grandmother's name, my mother's mother. She was the only grandparent I knew, and she really was special. She lived in England and came to visit us about once a year, and we really cherished those visits. I especially loved how she used to sing us lullabies, which is why I very much want to sing to my girl lullabies when putting her to sleep. While officially she was called above name, she was more known as A.n.n, which is how I originally wanted to call my daughter. But my niece who has a very similar first name [and A.n.n as a second], and it sounded completely wrong to me, so I went with above. And I grew to really like it!
My grandmother was born on the 14th of June, and once I've decided on the name, I so wanted little girl to be born on that date. Thought it would be so cool to be born on the birthday of the person you were named after!
(My grandma and her grandkids. I'm the baby on her lap)
Her first name, and while her second name represents my mother's side, this represents my father's side. It is not a name of a specific person (though it was my father's brother's name who died before my parents met, so he is not someone I knew), but it (together with another name) is a name that runs in the family (but mostly as a second name). These two names alternate so one is called G and his son will be named H etc. My father actually is neither as there was both a G and an H when he was born.
And I really love this name! I wanted it as a name for my child ever since my almost 15 year old nephew got it as a second name. It really answers all what I want in a name - first and foremost it's a long name, with three syllables. I just like long names. It is an Israeli name (though basically more a boy's name. One thing I was happy about was that it never came up as a name in the pregnancy forum. Actually also not as a boy's name..) but can be pronounced without difficulties in English (my father, when hearing the name, kept asking if with a 'b' or a 'v' and while I said 'v', he still sent e-mails announcing the birth of his granddaughter ..b.. ...) and I think it has a nice flow, I love the sound. Also I like the meaning (from the verb to overcome, whatever happens in life she will be able to overcome it!) and that it's an angle's name.
And the funny thing - as I said above, I was very much aiming at giving birth on the 14.6, my grandmother's birthday, but life had it that I gave birth two days later. Wait! Two days later!? That's my father's father's birthday!! (all my four grandparents were Geminis, as are my mother sister and I, but I didn't know that the 16th was my grandfather's date). Could have been much cooler if grandad was called G, but alas he is an H :-D
I have been waiting with bated breath to learn your girl's name! Thanks for sharing, it is as beautiful as she is!! And I love the history behind it!
I LOVE your baby girl's name!!! How beautiful! And a beautiful story to go with it! (I can't believe how much hair she has!!)
I've been waiting and waiting too! I knew you'd reveal when ready. It's a lovely name. She'll be so proud to have it. Really beautiful!
I love her name and even more so with the great history behind it. It's so pretty and so unique! She's truly one of a kind.
Congratulations again!
I love her name! Both of them. Will she go by her 1st or 2nd name? And I would have thought the 1st name was girl name if you hadn't told me (sounds very girlie to an American - no offense to your male relatives).
She'll be going by her first name (but I did tell my mother she can call her by her second name)
Such a sweet story to go with a BEAUTIFULLY unique name. She is so sweet!!! Look at that hair :)
Billy, a beautiful name and your daughter is so sweet. Thanks for sharing the entire story :)
Very cute name! Thanks for sharing!
I love her names! She's so beautiful. She really looks a lot like that baby picture of you on your grandmother's lap.
Great name!! :) and she really does look a lot like you in that picture.
Beautiful names!
Congratulations on your baby girl! Take it easy on the breast feeding, it sometimes does not come easy, but something will work out.
How sweet she looks. I love the thought and emotion that went into picking her names. Her first name is so beautiful! Her second name--I've known few people with that name and all of them have truly been the sweetest, most humble, personable people I've ever met. It is on my list of "back up" names just because of those women :)
Thanks for sharing with us! Both your daughter's pic and her names!!!!
Love, love, love the names...and she is as cute as she can be!
Beautiful names.
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