Butterfly's Birthday

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


Very exciting to go with your girl to the place where she was made, where she "spent" the first two days of her life... So yes, finally, I got to cycle. It was weird thinking I am actually cycling because besides doing a lot of monitoring, there was nothing to it (a natural cycle). I was concerned about taking Butterfly with me to be monitored, one of the reasons being not wanting to make it hard on women who are trying for their first. Well the place where I did the monitoring is an all clinic for any health problem, so it's not a big deal bringing her. It was a bit different today when I took her to have the transfer but oh well (if there will be a next time I hope I can leave her with someone at home). The weird thing if this works [and sorry, probably pregnancy brain already, but I can't remember if I mentioned this or not] the embryo transferred was from the IVF cycle from before the one that brought me Butterfly, so if it succeeds there will be three years difference [more or less exactly as the transfer for Butterfly was on the 9th of Sep!!] between the two siblings but actually only a month between them two. This is also why I am not holding my breath too much about it succeeding. For start, the better embryos in that batch were transferred and there was no pregnancy. Also, and this is probably nonsense but, well.. it is three years old! not young. I mean don't embryos have a life expectancy? Can you transfer an embryo that has been retrieved years ago? [okay maybe yes - there was a story about these ancient date seeds that were found (not sure how and what), maybe two thousand years old (I must find that story!) and the scientists planted them because they wanted to learn about the date tree from back then, and while most didn't catch on, there were successful with some! Okay, science edition of the blog ended, though did you see the pictures of Mars from Curiosity? AMAZING!) Okay, I'm babbling. I now have to wait :-)[and make myself a nice cup of hot tea while I have the air conditioning going..]


Tiara said...

Sending positive thoughts & lots of baby dust!! What a great story if this baby sticks! Keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you!

Jen said...

The embryos that I am currently pregnant with are at least 4 years old. I think that largely once they are frozen, time isn't a huge issue. Also sometimes the ones that look excellent aren't necessarily (someone just posted about the best of her three embryos being the one that ended up being genetically abnormal). So there is not reason that this one can't be the one. Good luck!

Little One said...

Wishing you lots of sticky baby dust. Hope your 2ww isn't dreadfully long.

MeAndBaby said...

How exciting!! Hoping for a BFP!

St Elsewhere said...

All the very best...and hoping for a positive outcome for this 2ww.

Isn't science amazing? You are technically having or will have a baby that was 'made' before your 2+ year old daughter? So amazing!

Shannon said...

A friend of mine is currently 16 weeks pregnant with twins. Twins that were frozen as embryos 5 years ago! :)

Sending you lots of baby dust!

Jackie said...

Wow, so glad I popped over to check on you. Much luck to you!!