[warning: scan ahead]
Oh, wow, I'm really turning into a preg blogger..
So, yes, I had my scan last night. Ended up going with both my mother and sister #5 [oh, I'm just saying who it was for my record, so later on if I read old posts, I won't have to break my head over who it was..], which was quite nice. My mother does have a tendency to embarrass me, like when the dr. is asking me all these questions and she jumps in and answers instead of me. Please let me answer the questions, I think I know best.. Anyway...
As for the bleeding - don't remember what (the sac or the placenta or what), but there is a spot where it is not attached to the uterus, maybe sitting on a blood vessel, and that's what caused the bleeding. He was a bit concerned and told me that if it happens again, I am to take Gestone. Lets hope that doesn't happen :-).
And now that I'm done with the gloomy part of this post, let me go to the merry part - I had the scan and all is well. There is a pregnancy sac and a yolk sac and a heart beat. Oh, that is so incredibly amazing to watch - this little blob and nothing yet to it, but a beating heat. I was teary eyes watching it. And my little one, don't know how well you can see from this image, but it so looked like a little bird, so for now I'll be calling it birdie! (or should I Berdie?)

congratulations Billy. Cant wait to see your Birdie grow and grow and grow
Yay for Berdie!!!!!!!!
Awwww...that's the cutest little birdie I've ever seen!
Yay for Birdie!
I love how expectant parents get these little names for their embies. Birdie is one of my favorites so far. :)
Yay!!! I'm so happy for you. Grow birdie grow!!
What a relief! I'm so happy you had a good appointment. I know how scary it was to have bleeding, I was in the doc's office many times in the 1st trimester. For some reason, I had a pool of blood behind the forming placenta, but it did eventually re-absorb and all was well.
I hope the rest of your pregnancy is a little more uneventful!
Beautiful Birdie! Here's to another 7-ish months of healthy chirping!
Awww, Congratulations!!!
Birdie's first picture. :)
Very cute!!!
yay, tweet tweet!!
Again, yay! So happy to see Birdie is well.
Loved seeing the image of your little Birdie, or Berdie :)
Oh Billy just gorgeous that scan of Birdy or Berdie is. How freaking exciting girl! This is it. Wow is all i can say... xoxoxoxoxo
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