Butterfly's Birthday

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


First, thanks for waiting with me! (and no, not yet a mummy..)
[and Tiara - loved your dream :-)]

I am now trying to learn about vaccinations. It was all along clear to me that I won't necessary give my child all the vaccinations, and that those I do give won't necessarily be according to the routine schedule here. I don't know how it goes elsewhere, but it is (in my eyes) quite a crazy schedule. [I tried adding a chart of the schedule here, but I'm not really succeeding (it comes out tiny)]. It starts of with hepatitis B at the hospital. That was the first one I knew I won't be giving as there is really no need if I don't have it! And then it goes on every month or so. I think I read that 30 vaccinations are given in the first year (which I suppose doesn't mean 30 times the needle as some are a combination. But it is less the injection per se that concerns me, more what goes in to my girl. If already I'm for splitting them). And not giving them in the regular routine means I'm planning on starting late. Not sure when exactly, I think I'd like to start after she becomes a year old, but maybe I'll start as early as half a year.

My first lesson on the subject came when I was in the eight grade. I was always late for school, so not surprising I was late on the day they had some kind of test injection done for this vaccinations (not sure which. maybe tuberculosis?) and so hadn't had the test done. Then the day of getting the vaccine came. Up till them I knew how important vaccinations are and how we must all get all our vaccinations, etc etc, so of course I was waiting to get mine! But as I hadn't done the test, I was brushed aside, told how it wasn't a big deal not getting this shot! I think they might have stopped that particular vaccinations a few years after, but still it echoed in me that it is not such a must as I thought, that one doesn't necessarily have to get all the shots. [and yes, I was a very naive child. When on a school trip the bus in front of us didn't stop at a red light, I was sure the police would come right there and then and arrest the offending driver! because in my young life there was right and wrong, no in between]. Anyway though it might have been my first lesson on the issue of vaccinations, it took many years to process it..

And so I said to myself that this is something I want to learn, but never really got round to looking into it. I mean I did here and there but not too seriously. There is this Israeli site I found, but they seem too radical to me, completly against all vaccines. But then other sites are all for and say how important and wonderful they all are... What I wanted was to learn about each vaccination - how, why, when, so I can make an educated decision. But I guess finding a neutral source is not really possible..
Anyway, my sister got me for my birthday a book on vaccinations (The Truth about Vaccines) which now that I finished my pregnancy and birthing books and have time on my hand, am digging into. I still have no idea what, how and when, but finally I feel like I'm doing some learning on the subject :-).


Demeter said...

And the countdown begins....How exciting! You must be so anxious!

Jackie said...

Good for you for taking the vaccine learning plunge!! I always wanted to learn more about them myself, but sadly didn't take the time.

You seem so calm ;)

Shannon said...

Really? No baby yet???? Hurry up, baby! LOL

As for vaccinations - I agree that Hep B is not at all needed as an infant. Nor is Hep A - not until right before you start letting her eat food at restaurants. But pertussis (whooping cough), mumps and measles are still out there, and those are definitely worth getting your girl vaccinated against. Polio might be at least occasionally active in your part of the world, too, but I'm not sure about that one.

I'm impressed you're doing your research and being open to reasonable arguments from both sides of the vaccination debate. :)

MookiePie said...

Look at you making good use of your time while waiting for baby girl! I know my sis and bil have my nieces on like a shot a month schedule (or something like that.)

Miss X said...

Good for you looking into the vaccine debate. Delaying makes sense to me.

Paige said...

I thought for sure that baby would have arrived by now. She'll have one cyber-auntie in the States! Good info on the vaccines.

Tiara said...

I'm anxious to hear about what you learn about the vaccinations. I'm not so sure all are as necessary as they use to be...keep us informed!

Anonymous said...

I amazed at the difference in the list of recommended vaccines just in the 10 years between my 2 kids. It's nearly doubled!

Little One said...

I can't believe there's still no baby...I thought for sure that was why you have been absent! How are you filling your time while waiting? Have you watched the Friends episode where Rachel's baby is late and she's so miserable?

Genkicat said...

Where is that baby? I can't wait much longer :-)

MeAndBaby said...

Momma yet??? :)

Miss X said...

Still no baby? I'm anxiously awaiting news here! ;)