I have done this meme not so long ago, so I won't be doing it again now (but if you really really have nothing more interesting to do and are curious as to what nonsense I wrote, you may look in the March archives).
But, back then I didn't tag anyone to join along on the meme, and I felt kind of bad about that (especially as this meme is called an award..). I know not everyone likes doing a meme, and I try not to tag people I know don't like memes, but it is still not nice not to tag anyone..
So.. the rules:
1. Choose 7 blogs you would like to give the award to.
2. Show their names and links on your blog, and leave a comment in their blog to let then know they received the award.
3. Write 7 or 10 (depends on which version one goes) honest things about yourself.
drums........ And the Honest Scrap award goes to..... drums......
- My sister Debbka, who quite recently I discovered has a blog here in Blogger, but hasn't written anything in it (or worse - hasn't drawn!).
- Calliope who recently mentioned not getting memes, so here's one for you :-) [although your last two lists, where people ask and you answer, are definitely better!]
- Jackie
- SprtsGrl
- The Single Hussy
- Fat Chick
- if you would like to do this meme, and I haven't tag you, then consider yourself tagged!

Totally didn't realize that you had already been "scrapped!" Oops!
Not something you should have known or realized, as I believe it was from the time before you started reading my blog.
As I mentioned in the post, I did feel bad after that meme for not tagging anyone, so I saw it as an oppertunity to ammend a wrong (not that I managed to tag 7 people, but well, better than nothing..).
But maybe I should appologize for not really doing it. Because I love memes as they are usually fun to do, but mainly because it means someone tagged me! [being a very not sociable creature, some things will always overwhelm me]
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